Friday, January 9, 2009

Hoe:- WWWooooWW!!!!! We are the CHAMPPPPP.......

Yea Ba....!!!!


  1. that was the best in 2006..... Heo is so happy...we also very happy.....

  2. I want to win the medal under Anak Malaysia team...Let work out and make it true...I believe LAW OF ATTRACTION..if our mind set to win the race all our action will lead us to the champion. I have "THE SECRET" DVD to share with you all. This is very powerful show...everyone in Anak Malaysia team must see...YEABA

  3. All the older bros, we must help the younger bros to achieve something this year if not, not fare to them. I still have the desire to win. i'll do my best to train with u all after the CNY. If we still can row and fight , why not ? YEA BA
